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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

♥ Things Happen for a reason right?

There were many times when ppl tell me to jut let it go, but did i listen? i stayed hoping things would get better. Never again would i let someone hurt me like that again, never will i give everything to someone. Never again wld i let someone betray me,never again will i let them break me and take control of how i live my life. Not only did you break my heart you humiliate me by saying all those things as if i dun worth anything. I was a fool... i was your fool for 5 years. I thank God because he still loves me, he lemme out of ur grasps sooner rather than later.

Retribution will come and when that day come we will see who has the last laugh, i was a good GF and damn it i would have made a DAMN GOOD WIFE. Too bad for u... U will never find out. You had me and now you have nothing. Go fuck around, you rather lose me for a 5 min pleasure with some random whore. its fine by me. i will be stronger and wiser.

All those things i bought for you, its okay you can keep it. I wont hold it againts you. because at that time i felt u deserve it. All those memories we had i'm gonna pretend that it was real and that you did love me but somehow along the way something changed. You changed. it wasnt my fault you changed, my love for you all those years never waivered.. So how come it did for you? No i dont hate you. i never did, in fact as i'm typing this i still love you. but i will not let anybody hurt me the way you did. Enough is Enough, i'm tired of fighting for this relationship all by myself.

I hope now you can live your life the way u want it, i hope one day this pain will go away and one day i will find someone that will cherish me the way i cherish him.
Maybe one day i will look back and thank my lucky stars for showing me the real u before we gotten married.I dont understand why it has to come down to this, but i believe that things happen for a reason.
You were right i dun deserve this, i deserve better.
Thank-You for everything.
Thank-You for pretending all this time.
never again.
♥ ct.riaH ♥
♥ Somewhere we went wrong, Our love is like a song, But you won't sing along,You've forgotten....About us.♥

Wow wrote this back in '09!! And tat was wat almost 4 years ago.. how times flies, how things changed. The person i once thought was the love of my life has moved on. Me? Im good, im at a good place right now. Its safe to say those wounds he left on me has healed. Although my life is not ever near finished and complete still unfolding. Im just glad things happened the way it is, life is a lesson to be learned and be a better person than you alrydy are. So im going to smile and move forward. =) *This time im going to be Bulletproof..*

♠ And she feel loved__++
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♥ IM BACK!!!! 2012

Hello this Is Riah!!!

♠ And she feel loved__++
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

♥ Nothing better to do

Okay guess i was bored.. i decided to update my stoopid lonely blog.. aniwaes guess what? tonite wld be the 1st nite i'll be goin back to work. 6 days of staying at home has made me really lazy and makin my butt even bigger than it already is, i kinna miss werk actually as lame as that sounds. haha.. i also kinna miss my frens.. yEuL bitch where u at??? i miss eu soo much.. we shld mit up..i miss clare too!! but ill be meeting her tonite so i have no worries about that.. i miss my bestie she has gone MIA on me again!! her berfday is next week and i tot maybe i shld treat her to sumthing nice. Clare's berfday is cumin up too but that wld be after raya so u noe what that means?? PARty TIME!!! YUUUUUUP!!!

Who wants to join us??? im gonna make her madd drunk!! but u better not bite me again u BITCH!! Crazy ass girl! the last time we went clubbing she was high of the sky and she literally bit me! Crazy girl! thats rite girl! i put YOU on blast! do that shit again and i will lay all ur SHIT bare!

Those are some crazy time.. but as lonely as it sounds theres only me and Clare left. No drama, No nothing.. I sumtimes miss my old team but i dun miss the drama.. YUUUP!

Ok werk aside.. i change my song again. kinna reflects on how i feel rite now.. not the cheating part.. just the part when she sang the chorus "After all of this time that we tried, i found out we were living a lie and after all of this love that we made i found out you dont love me the same...."

Thats deep.. its sad and emotional.. yes i havent gotten over him completely... How do u get over someone you thought you were gonna live the rest of your live with? Yes i really thought we were gonna grow old together, make babies and have grandkids.. He was my high-school sweetheart nothing can compare to that. but as people surrounding me keep telling me to get over him. He aint worth my time. blah blah blah....

I dont usually say out how i feel to people.. i dont express how i really feel about me and my ex towards them because i rather deal with their pain than mine. So for the most part i just bottled them in and ive done a great job too. I dont think they know how broken i really am.. I guess thats why i cant let that new person in... I feel bad.. but i cant be with that new person, i try forcing myself too but its not werking.. theres only soo much i can do...

Memories after memories of him and me... I have yet to delete his numbers from my fone, i have yet to delete his fotos.. i dunno how..? i dunno if i wan too... i dunno if im ready to let him go emotionally.. its soo hard.. its hard toking bout him, its harder to breathe... i dont want to sound pathetic.. but thats how i truly feel...

It takes time i know.. and i hate dragging this new guy into more complication but i dunno how to tell him without letting him know that im not like all the girls he know.. i like being in a committed relationship.. im just too broken to be in 1 rite now... I feel like this song is a perfect song from me to him...


Yeahhhh Yeah.

Really wish i could.

If only someone could unbreak my heart
Come relieve my pain
Somehow I could wish upon a star
and make all of the memories go away,

but my mind just keeps on going back
and I can't help but think about
that guy that's gon make me miss out on you
And I can't help but remember
about that sad day in September
The day he took my heart with him when he left.

See eventually I will get through this,
but right now it seems my heart's in the way.
I apologize of the way that I treat you
but I gotta leave you,
unless somehow I come across a case of amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(to forget, to forget, to forget the heartache)
Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(to forget, to forget, to forget the pain)
Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(and i think, and i think it'll make things better)

I gotta leave ya I gotta leave you.

I tryed to leave the past behind me
but it just hurts so bad. Ohhh.
and i tell myself please don't cry,
let it go and let the past be the past.

but my mind just keeps on going back
And I cant help but think about
that guy that's gon make me miss out on you.
And I can't help but remember about that sad day in September
when ya took my heart and just ran away! ohhh

See eventually I will get through this,
but right now it seems my heart's in the way.
I apologize of the way that I treat you
but I gotta leave you,
unless somehow I come across a case of amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(to forget, to forget, to forget the heartache)
Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(to forget, to forget, to forget the pain)
Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(and i think it'll make, it'll make things better)

I gotta leave ya, I gotta leave you.

Everytime you try to get closer to me
I'm fallin back cuz I can't go down this road again
memories won't go away
constantly in control of my life
I don't wanna erase it all
and forget about it all!

See eventually I will get through this,
but right now it seems my heart's in the way.
I apologize of the way that I treat you
but I gotta leave you,
unless I come across a case of amnesia

See eventually I will get through this,
but right now it seems my heart's in the way.
I apologize of the way that I treat you
but I gotta leave you,
unless somehow I come across a case of amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(to forget, to forget, to forget the heartache)
Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(to forget, to forget, to forget the pain)
Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia.
(and i think it'll make, it'll make things better)

I gotta leave ya, I gotta leave you.

its by Cherish - Amnesia... The song is explainin to this guy that unless She gets amnesia so that she wont remember the past rship she had she cant be with him because she is still hurting from the guy that stole and broke her heart. Thats exactly how i feel.. but easier said than done.. i'll leave a video at the bottom i hope you guys enjoy it..



urs tRuLy.
ct Riah

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

Thursday, August 06, 2009

♥ Its been a long time...

Hey BLog... i have been gone for a long time.. i have been thru soo much in the last 3 months or so. As u may or may not know im still working at my current job, i have lost a lot in such a short amount of time. I also have gain some good people in my life, i have gone thru some soul searching and some self healing. I have to say my life now is stable, im happy to be where i am now. Dont get me wrong i still get lonely and i think about him from time to time but i noe that God wants sumthing else for me and so i take it and just go with the flow.

I think these past few months has been very challenging for me be it at work,with friends or getting to know someone new. I have yet to overcome the challenges at work but i know if i focused and put my all into it i can achieve the goals they have set for me. As for friends im dissappointed that i cant save all of them, i noe i can be out there,i can be a bit aggressive and might have a sharp toungue but im a very forgiving person. Im no saint of course but i learn to be forgiving and giving somebody chances to redeem themselves besides i gave him 5 years of too many chances im sure i can do the same with friends but as i tell myself everyday i can only help them this much but its up to them to do whats right.

I have to be honest though among the friendships i have, this one truly hurt and deeply dissappointed me. i have dissappointed myself by getting too invested in the friendship when clearly i made a promised not to get too involved. I have no one to blame but myself, a lesson i have yet to master. I guess everday is a learning proccess and hopefully i will one day be able to not overstepped my boundaries but to whoever it may be concern i wish you all the best of luck and hopefully one day YOU will realise that some things or shall i say some people no matter how much you think you love them and care about them you have to let them go especially when you know he/she brings more harm to you than good. No matter how long or how well you think you know them, sometimes letting go is better than keeping them and going through the pain.

As for new people in my life.... i dun really wanna talk about it bcoz thats another thing i think i made a huge mistake, an investment i really am not ready for.

Yes i have flaws and i love my flaws because it makes me who i am today. I wouldnt change me for anything in the world, is just not right.

Onto a better note for this entry, i am going clubbing this weekend! i noe, i noe.. i shldnt be goin to clubs being that its getting nearer to ramadhan but this wld be the last time i go to any club. until Raya and i think i deserve a bit of fun. Im not going to be drinking so i think im safe, I have bought an outfit for the nite and i cant wait to wear it. hehehe.. Hopefully there wld be lots of pictures taken. I am gonna have a blast! hehehe.. MyBooBieBitCh is the organizer so she better make sure i have the most unforgettable club nite ever! A good unforgettable nite! not a bad one, God knows ive had enuff of those... sheesh....

I can just feel the excitement pumping through my veins.. i still have two nights to live thru at werk. ANd then party time! hehehe...

Hmmm... wat else am i looking forward to? Ooohh.. I wanna cut my hair.. i wanna new style.. but i dunno. im not goona cut my hair too short though.. just cut it enuff to have a new style. Im gonna have it cut and trim and have a treatment. I have split ends that are just endless... it wont go away! Damn it. I feel like cutting it damn short and wear a wig.. hahahaha... That wld never happen though. so yah..

I wanna go on my next holiday, my mum and sis is planning to go to langkawi but my mum then decided to go to Brisbane again as you guys know or may not know prices for air tickets are goind down so its cheap nowadays. I wld love to go to australia again but i dont know if i have enough leave days to last me a week. So i need to check on that a.s.a.p! but im kinna pissed off at the new roster they have given us. Our off days are sooo far off from each other that its hard to take leaves in between. That way we have to use more of our leaves then the off days, haizzz...

this merger has its ups and downs. i dunno to be happy or sad. I guess i have to be grateful that i still have a job in these hard times. Right?

oh well.. anyways...

Although i have lost a love one, i have not lost my love for Chris Brown, yes i am still very much obssesed with him. One day he might even sing that M.C song to me. Anyhoos i wish all the best to him and no matter what i would always support his music no matter how crazy he gets. haha..

So Chris make a good one for the next album for me okay? i promise i will buy it and try not to lose it this time and it would make my life more happier if you come to Singapore and do a concert and give me backstage passes so i can meet you and give you...... a HUG. jeeezz.. WTH you guys were thingking.. his not even 21 yet., i cant be doing illegal shit to him. (Although im sure he wont mind, since im asian and his black and we can have soo much fun! muahahaha!)

Another music artiste that really has gotten my attention is Kristinia Debarge, shes actually pretty talented for a 19 year old. although she has started at a very young age but only now she is getting recognition for all the hardwork she has done. I have heard almost all her songs in her new debut album and i have to say most of her songs are great, songs i can say that most people can relate to. I think im gonna go and buy her album, i really mean it when i say shes really good. She writes her own songs and how many artiste in the industry can say they write their own material on their first album? There are of course but not many of them and its hard to really sell your own material but i have to say she did it. She's one good songwriter and a voice to top it off with.I say kudos to her, and wish her all the best in her upcoming tour with Miss Britney Bitch. Yes, shes goin on tour with Britney.. haha.... 1st tour and gets to open for Britney Spears. Some girls have all the luck!

Ohkee dookee.. i think im done for now... im gonna stop here and go rest my BIG pretty EYES..


cya next time wen i feel like blogging...



uRs tRuLy,

♥ct riaH♥

I cried me a river,
I cried me a sea,
I cried me an ocean,
I cried me a stream.
Im out of emotion,
Got nothing in me.
And I woulda done anything in the world for you
I woulda done anything that you told me to

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

Monday, October 06, 2008

♥ Apologies.

Ok well first of i wld like to start my entry by apologising to a few people, due to my absense and empty promises "janji melayu" i promised a couple of people that i wld be meeting them but as luck has it, my job has taken a lot of my time and my ENERGY. Yes damn tiring u know, another reason is because my phone bill haven't been paid and is now out of service so i can't contact anybody at the moment but i will be paying it as soon as my October pay comes. My first pay was mostly spent on Hari Raya baju and jeng!jeng!jeng! Newly PERMED hair! COOLNESS! ok2 back to topic, i wld DEFINITLEY like to apologise to yEuL first && foremost coz she's one of the first few people that has been pestering me to meet her since i dunno how many "years" ago and i keep PROCRASTINATING it like forever. I'm sorry beb, i will make it up to u, i promise. My ex ITE classmates also, who i have planned to meet during the bazaar geylang but also failed to meet. I take full responsibility because i kept postponing it sampai dah rayer pon.

I GET IT!! I am very bad at KEEPING PROMISES! Also before i forget even though this is kind of too late, i wld like to wish my BESTEST most TERsayang! Most Terkiut! Most yg the BESTlah kan senang kater my BESTFRIEND a HAPPY BELATED 20th BERFDAY!!! Yes Yana anak WAK LAN! Ko dah tua tk gune lagi!! muahahaha. As fer your berfday treat insyallah i will treat u this month. Insyallah. ok?? I love you bestie! Thanks fer being there fer the past 8 Years!

Onto other relevant stuff, i would like to share you all about my new job that is quite stressful because one i'm in training fer 10 weeks. While in training i have assesments that are considered like exams every week except when i'm on OJT which i did last week. For the past 4 weeks i have been trained to read a passenger's Itinerary, what are their destinations, from what origin they are going to fly off, How do we calculate the total Flight cost. No idea what i'm talking about right? its ok because i didn't know either when i first started. Totally normal. There is more than what i've mentioned, more indepth, but you guys won't understand. Don't mistake this as a job like in the Airport, the ones that are ONLY issuing out tickets. NOW that job is chicken mcnuggets compared to mine, Mine is a call-centre. So totally different scenario.

I don't know if i can last up till 6 months but i'm hoping that i will, i DO NOT want to find another job because its hard. very cian if u ask me. Plus this pay is not bad. What i'm still second-guessing is what shift do i wanna take, i don't think i'mma opt for the night-shift. I might take the Morning or Afternoon Shift, most prob the afternoon shift because at least i still can get the allowance money. So hopefully i do well and get the desired shift.

My team which is Team-21 are a fun bunch! Like seriously, they are real sporting people. On the 2nd day of Raya we had to werk so we all planned to wear our traditional clothings, we all also did a Pot Luck. So during Lunch time we ate together at the Pantry, took a whole bunch of Fotos. actually we wld take pics every week. Friday is a color-coding day, so we all wld wear the same color and take fotos. Our Trainers are also sporting so they never mind us when we ask them to take pictures fer us. During the fasting period the week we got our pays we all went out and break-fast together at Mayuni's Cafe after-which we went Karoeke at town. It was fun!

SO i really mean it when i say i have met the most GEREK-group, my team consist of a LOT of Malay. One chinese,One indian and 2 Philipino. So imagine the kechoness of us in the class, everyday there are some funny topics brought up. So its never Boring. I totally don't regret getting this Job and even when i feel like giving up my fellow collegues wld help me and bring my spirit up. So Thank-You up there for giving me an opportunity!

Aiite enough talk and let the PICTURES do the talking.

My Team!

Blue Day

2nd Day of Raya

At Mayuni's Cafe waiting fer Break-Fast

Karaoke Session

Outside Mayuni's Cafe


In The Train,on the way to Arab Street.

Out Smoking

Outside Payah Lebar SingPost.


Oh, Rahimah did a performance fer us at Mayuni's Cafe.

She sang "Kekasih GelapKu"

and Last but Not least me!

Aiite so i didn't post my Hari Raya pics with my family, its not many so there's not much fotos i can put up. I also haven't shown u my NEWLY PERMED HAIR! hehehe. i will on the next enrty, so you guys are going to have to wait fer it. nyehehehe.. Just to let ya'll know BF is not in SG fer 3 weeks. I'm upset! He is FORCED to go to AUSTRALIA!! I feel like pulling my hair actually! Hmph! i told him he cannot go! Now he gone already. His flight was today which was actually at 4 pm. And i didn't even get to sent him off! Bluek! Spend the last 2 days together, went shopping with him. He bought me a watch! so i can scratch off 2 things of my wishlist! CoolNess! Aiite2. so i'm done fer this entry. i'm going off.


ps: I started liking this song (Pulanglah by Aishah) when Lyah sang this at the Karaoke session. She sang so Beautifully! Plus i can like relate to this song. I'm not celebrating Hari Raya with Yan this year, so sedih!...

urs truLy,

♥ ct.riaH ♥

♥ .I'm Starin At The Clock,It's A Quarter To Three,I'm Tossin In My Bed,Cause I Jus Can't Sleep,Cause You're Not Here With Me,I'm Reachin Out For You,I Wish I Could Talk To You,Tryna Figure Out What's Goin On With Me. ♥

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

Friday, September 05, 2008

♥ Nothing better to do..

I was sooo excited when i saw this video, coz i have been waiting fer it like forever. That && also since Trey Songz is in it, so thats what i've been doin all day long watching videos apart from reading fan-fictions of course. I needed to update aniwaes so here i am with a new update, i like ne-yo's new album "The Year of the Gentleman" i think thats what its called. I've heard some of the tracks of the album and i have to say ne-yo has come back with another great one. Apart from that i definitely cannot wait fer Trey Songz new joint too!! yup2..

Aiite so its obvious i have nothing else better to do than update about a video, thats bcoz i don't have nothing much to say. My life is as mundane as ever, all i'm excited about is when Bb comes back this coming monday that && also i'll be starting my new job on monday too. Bb says he'll fetch me after work so i'm practically over the moon, i miss him too much already. You guys can bet i'll be having him on lock-down, no more going to overseas fer him!! None i tell ya! He cannot go and leave me here looking like i lost my cat, i'm sooo bored i cld die because of it!

So anyways Bestie got a new job too! At a daycare centre in Ubi, thats just like awesome! i can't wait to go shopping with her!! She said the job is quite hard coz u gotta have patience especially dealing with kids and babies too! It must be hard taking care of someone else's responsibilities, I wish her all the best though. I also told her that she can help me take a look out fer yan, since she work so near my Bb's house.

Onto other things, i realised that in this generation a lot of people are getting married mad young like its going out of style. I really just don't get why? why are they in such a hurry to get married? I mean what are they rushing to get to? I get that maybe they have been with their Boo's for so long but i have been with Yan fer quite sometime too does that mean we have to get married too? I mean get this some of them got married at the age of 18-20 & i'm 20 this year and i just feel that there are lot of things i still wanna achieve. Plus i still want my freedom, i definitely am not ready to be a wife let alone a Mother, in fact looking at my mother i feel very insecure. Even my cousin who got married early this year, his 30 and his wife is 20. When my aunt told me that i was like, Say What?? and she told me that the girl is the one who wanted to get married quickly, i was still basking with the fact that she was the one who initiated to get married early.

Forget the ones that are "instant" marriage because well they don't really have a choice, but the ones that are willing are just something i'm still trying to understand. Some of them don't even have the means and they're rushing the marriage, when i mean the means that means the ones that aren't financially stable yet. Its soo irritating! Why i say this is because you are putting a burden on your parents, yes your parents are the ones with the loans just so YOU can get married and if your the guy that's even worse! You should have saved ENOUGH money so that you won't bother your parents. I mean u know u have just finished your NS, which means your carreer has just started, that makes u FINANCIALLY UNSTABLE! How can you not think all this beforehand?? Wow.. so irresponsible. I sympathise with the parents.. i hope i learn from this and not make the same mistake because i of course do not want to burden my mother anymore.

Aiite enuff about this, i'm getting worked up about something that has nothing to do with me.

i'm outs.

urs tRuly,

♥ ct.riaH. ♥

♥ I finished crying in the instant that you left. And I can't remember where or when or how. And I banished every memory you and I have ever made. ♥

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

Saturday, August 30, 2008

♥ I love my frenster layout.

Very simple larh sey *Simple things is what my heart beats for..* and i'm actually thingking of changing my blog layout again. Just coz i'm sick of that pics above, plus i'm itching to edit a whole other pics.. oh well.. nanti lah.. When i'm feeling creative and very "rajin" then i will change my layout. Aiite i have to admit i'm feeling very lonely right now, because of obvious reasons of course. I never knew how much yan have influenced my life and the impact he has permanently imprint on it, i miss him terribly and i can't help but feel cynical when his in a country thats known to be somewhat "keras" or maybe i've just been watching way too much scary Thai movies. Speaking of which i went to catch the *4bia* muvee last tues with cuzzie Ida, again free tickets, shiok larh sey asik tgk free muvee jek... Plus i still have 1 moore set of free ticket muvees that i'm waiting to catch with Bb. Back to topic, that *4bia* movie has four different stories to it and personally for mee i think the last storee is the most scariest among the other three and lemme tell u that i unashamedly screamed my lungs out when it came down to the scary parts. Yes i was being a scary ass but i can't help it, if yan was there i wld have clunged to him fer dear life, don't get me wrong i loove scary movies and i was actually the one who sugested to watch *4bia* but the sound effects always gets to me. aiite enuff bout these scary shit, i seem to have trouble sleeping at night lately don't ask me why.

So anyways lucky fer me yan kols me every now and then, told me he bought a prepaid card in thailand so that he is able to kol back home. I should feel grateful that i at least get to hear his voice but really it isn't enuff becoz we only talk fer less then five mins, its soo frustrating because everytime i pick up my fone i suddenly realised his not here and i can't kol him whenever i want to. I told you i'm too attached to him, even though sometimes i feel like screaming at the top of my lungs at him to give me my space but i miss his constant naggings. On the plus side i love the fact that i can go anywhere and go home anytime i want without him constantly badgering me to come back home at a specific time, oh well i'm weird like that besides i have to be opstimitic. Well life is full of ups and downs, the only way we can survive it is to go through it. Go through the pain, so we would be humbled by life and not take things for granted all the time.

See i always have these weird musings that i have to typed down.. So onto other relevant things i can't wait till i start working at my new job and i'm sooo happy with the travelling benefits i wld gain. Coz ya'll know how i love travelling and even though i might not get to travel a lot, the fact that i could travel every year to each different country is like soo effing awesome to me. Oh && get this i can also bring my friends along with me if i plan to go fer holiday and of course the best part is, u need only pay fer da tax not the ticket flight. you might be paying moore than me but only just a tad bit, but really ticket flights can cause u up to a thoudsand dollars but if u go with me u only pay the tax which usually cost u up to 200 to 300 bux. Trust me its worth it. Coz if u don't get a discount u have to pay both the tax and the ticket flight. Aiite enough about the travelling bit, i love the pay too.. i'm not gonna reveal it here but its more than 1.4K and that does NOT include my allowance pay.. So imagine how much money i will have in a month?? So much lah sey... i'm sooo excited. Lemme just inform u that the job wld be very DEMANDING, not the laidback type but really i'm young i'm sure i can cope especially if i keep thingking about the money i wld bring home. YeeeHaaa!....

aiite nuff said, i'm outz!

urs truly,

♥ ct.riaH ♥

♥ Two o'clock and I wish that I was sleepin,Your in my head like a song on the radio.. All I know is I gotta get next to you.. ♥

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

Sunday, August 24, 2008

♥ Happy&&Sad at the same time....

Aiite2... i know i told u i wld update pics fer da NDP, but i'm back now and i will update all those pics u guys are missing out on. SO guess what??? i got the FREAKING job!!! im fucking DELIRIOUS!!! but i'm sad coz i can't share this happy news with BF, coz he aint here in SG he went to Thailand fer NS. I'm soo sad.. and yes i cried, hey you would too if ur significant other is gone fer not 1,2,3 days but 3 FUCKING weeks!!! What the hell am i supposed to do 3 freaking weeks without him here?? I keep replaying the "No Air" song on my mp3, phone&& PC sia.. coz NOW i totally know how it feels when Jordin sang the part when it says "But how do you expect me, to live alone with just me coz my world revolves around you, its so hard for me to breathe.." Damn if thats not how i feel right now. No contact ok?? 3 FREAKING weeks? haizzzzzzz... here's an advise to girls out there DO NOT DATE NS MEN!!!! and when i say this i mean DURING their 2 years of serving the nation. Well unless ur as patient as ehem.... ME! ehk seriouslah sey, when ur dating an NS men theres so lil time for you to spend time with each other.. especially if YOUR working also. Damn Irritating, but you know what they say *Time apart, makes the HEART fonder...* i guess thats true...

Aiite so apparently this post was supposed to be updated Thursday night but somehow, someway my post went missing, so i got fed-up and just shut down everything but i'm back now and i actually just came back from having breakfast with 2nd sis who blanjered us burger king. I had the breakfast king with turkey bacon. yummie yum! We ate at KakSha's workplace which means we take away the breakfast meal walked from the Tamp Int to KakSha's workplace && stayed until 2.30 pm fer KakSha to finish work, Coolness. So now i'm famished &&ready to BLOG. I Think i'm gonna do 2 seperate updates coz this one will be consist more on the NDP Pics.. so here goes...

In the bus

KakNa's friend who was the one who had the free tickets, Maisarah is the name.

Kakna was very into the whole celebrations. coz she was the one who blew fer us our "lollipop" baloon.
10 to 11 thousand people show up fer this. (if i'm not mistaken)

the sponsors up at the stage.

look at how BIG their smiles are..

ooh.. seems like that guy, wants a bite of Kakna's sandwich.

my all time favourite from LJS, Combo 1 please and the nachos cheese on the side.
we sat at the white section, hence us showing the white side of the "lollipop" balloon.

the product of us taking part in making the singapore flags with our "lollipop"balloon.

It rained on us, so KakNa was quick to take out the "Ponchor" that was provided inside the goody bag that they gave us.
I told u she was soo into the celebration.
Bestie is just being the typical drama-queen that she is.
The parachuters.
It looks fun.

The SG Flag!!

I love this!! It was sooo Beautiful!

It was like somwhow Allah knew we were celebrating our nation's berfday and blessed us with a rainbow after the rain.

nightfall and all we can do is anticipate the fireworks.

there it is!!!!

unfortunately by the time the fireworks came my camera battery went flat on me, i had other shots but all of them were blurred and ugly. So yah... My bad yall... oh &&in case yall were wondering this wasn't the NDP at Marina Bay. This was the picnic celebration at the padang that Young NTUC organised.. It was fun though, but this one BIG Malay Family sitting right behind us was damn kecoh and LOUD. Literally.. When i said BIG, i meant they were like more then 10 of them there... Their Nenek & Atok also came..

So aniwaes.. i think i shall stop here with this update. Wait fer it people.

urs truly,
♥ ct.riaH ♥

♥ So let them pull,Let them pull at the seams.Don't they know what it means,To be young and in love like that? Who are they to decide If it's wrong, if it's right? To be young and in love like that? ♥

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

That Lady ♥ ;

    Name: Siti Riah Rashid
    Age: 21 years of age.
    Location: Tampines/Wooloowin?
    Status: Blissfully SINGLE
    Price:I am worth,Nothing. I'm Priceless.


    *PureJavanese+ Chinese+Indian*
    An Aquarius
    Youngest In Da Family
    Addicted to ice-cubes,chocolates & esp. SWEETS
    sarcasm is my name
    Emotional Phreak
    Luvs Irritating Ppl, Esp. Mua Sisters
    Currently, OBSESSED with C.Brown.

    Cute Purse & Wallet
    New Hand Phone
    GREY Skinny jeans
    Streak my hair
    Rebond My Hair
    Perm my hair
    Nike Flip-Flops
    New Specs
    a New Watch
    More Clothes
    Graduate Frm ITE
    Get a Job

    The Way That I Love You - Ashanti

Thank you ♥

Past moments ♥

Perhaps ask me how i did this?