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Thursday, August 06, 2009

♥ Its been a long time...

Hey BLog... i have been gone for a long time.. i have been thru soo much in the last 3 months or so. As u may or may not know im still working at my current job, i have lost a lot in such a short amount of time. I also have gain some good people in my life, i have gone thru some soul searching and some self healing. I have to say my life now is stable, im happy to be where i am now. Dont get me wrong i still get lonely and i think about him from time to time but i noe that God wants sumthing else for me and so i take it and just go with the flow.

I think these past few months has been very challenging for me be it at work,with friends or getting to know someone new. I have yet to overcome the challenges at work but i know if i focused and put my all into it i can achieve the goals they have set for me. As for friends im dissappointed that i cant save all of them, i noe i can be out there,i can be a bit aggressive and might have a sharp toungue but im a very forgiving person. Im no saint of course but i learn to be forgiving and giving somebody chances to redeem themselves besides i gave him 5 years of too many chances im sure i can do the same with friends but as i tell myself everyday i can only help them this much but its up to them to do whats right.

I have to be honest though among the friendships i have, this one truly hurt and deeply dissappointed me. i have dissappointed myself by getting too invested in the friendship when clearly i made a promised not to get too involved. I have no one to blame but myself, a lesson i have yet to master. I guess everday is a learning proccess and hopefully i will one day be able to not overstepped my boundaries but to whoever it may be concern i wish you all the best of luck and hopefully one day YOU will realise that some things or shall i say some people no matter how much you think you love them and care about them you have to let them go especially when you know he/she brings more harm to you than good. No matter how long or how well you think you know them, sometimes letting go is better than keeping them and going through the pain.

As for new people in my life.... i dun really wanna talk about it bcoz thats another thing i think i made a huge mistake, an investment i really am not ready for.

Yes i have flaws and i love my flaws because it makes me who i am today. I wouldnt change me for anything in the world, is just not right.

Onto a better note for this entry, i am going clubbing this weekend! i noe, i noe.. i shldnt be goin to clubs being that its getting nearer to ramadhan but this wld be the last time i go to any club. until Raya and i think i deserve a bit of fun. Im not going to be drinking so i think im safe, I have bought an outfit for the nite and i cant wait to wear it. hehehe.. Hopefully there wld be lots of pictures taken. I am gonna have a blast! hehehe.. MyBooBieBitCh is the organizer so she better make sure i have the most unforgettable club nite ever! A good unforgettable nite! not a bad one, God knows ive had enuff of those... sheesh....

I can just feel the excitement pumping through my veins.. i still have two nights to live thru at werk. ANd then party time! hehehe...

Hmmm... wat else am i looking forward to? Ooohh.. I wanna cut my hair.. i wanna new style.. but i dunno. im not goona cut my hair too short though.. just cut it enuff to have a new style. Im gonna have it cut and trim and have a treatment. I have split ends that are just endless... it wont go away! Damn it. I feel like cutting it damn short and wear a wig.. hahahaha... That wld never happen though. so yah..

I wanna go on my next holiday, my mum and sis is planning to go to langkawi but my mum then decided to go to Brisbane again as you guys know or may not know prices for air tickets are goind down so its cheap nowadays. I wld love to go to australia again but i dont know if i have enough leave days to last me a week. So i need to check on that a.s.a.p! but im kinna pissed off at the new roster they have given us. Our off days are sooo far off from each other that its hard to take leaves in between. That way we have to use more of our leaves then the off days, haizzz...

this merger has its ups and downs. i dunno to be happy or sad. I guess i have to be grateful that i still have a job in these hard times. Right?

oh well.. anyways...

Although i have lost a love one, i have not lost my love for Chris Brown, yes i am still very much obssesed with him. One day he might even sing that M.C song to me. Anyhoos i wish all the best to him and no matter what i would always support his music no matter how crazy he gets. haha..

So Chris make a good one for the next album for me okay? i promise i will buy it and try not to lose it this time and it would make my life more happier if you come to Singapore and do a concert and give me backstage passes so i can meet you and give you...... a HUG. jeeezz.. WTH you guys were thingking.. his not even 21 yet., i cant be doing illegal shit to him. (Although im sure he wont mind, since im asian and his black and we can have soo much fun! muahahaha!)

Another music artiste that really has gotten my attention is Kristinia Debarge, shes actually pretty talented for a 19 year old. although she has started at a very young age but only now she is getting recognition for all the hardwork she has done. I have heard almost all her songs in her new debut album and i have to say most of her songs are great, songs i can say that most people can relate to. I think im gonna go and buy her album, i really mean it when i say shes really good. She writes her own songs and how many artiste in the industry can say they write their own material on their first album? There are of course but not many of them and its hard to really sell your own material but i have to say she did it. She's one good songwriter and a voice to top it off with.I say kudos to her, and wish her all the best in her upcoming tour with Miss Britney Bitch. Yes, shes goin on tour with Britney.. haha.... 1st tour and gets to open for Britney Spears. Some girls have all the luck!

Ohkee dookee.. i think im done for now... im gonna stop here and go rest my BIG pretty EYES..


cya next time wen i feel like blogging...



uRs tRuLy,

♥ct riaH♥

I cried me a river,
I cried me a sea,
I cried me an ocean,
I cried me a stream.
Im out of emotion,
Got nothing in me.
And I woulda done anything in the world for you
I woulda done anything that you told me to

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

That Lady ♥ ;

    Name: Siti Riah Rashid
    Age: 21 years of age.
    Location: Tampines/Wooloowin?
    Status: Blissfully SINGLE
    Price:I am worth,Nothing. I'm Priceless.


    *PureJavanese+ Chinese+Indian*
    An Aquarius
    Youngest In Da Family
    Addicted to ice-cubes,chocolates & esp. SWEETS
    sarcasm is my name
    Emotional Phreak
    Luvs Irritating Ppl, Esp. Mua Sisters
    Currently, OBSESSED with C.Brown.

    Cute Purse & Wallet
    New Hand Phone
    GREY Skinny jeans
    Streak my hair
    Rebond My Hair
    Perm my hair
    Nike Flip-Flops
    New Specs
    a New Watch
    More Clothes
    Graduate Frm ITE
    Get a Job

    The Way That I Love You - Ashanti

Thank you ♥

Past moments ♥

Perhaps ask me how i did this?