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Sunday, August 24, 2008

♥ Happy&&Sad at the same time....

Aiite2... i know i told u i wld update pics fer da NDP, but i'm back now and i will update all those pics u guys are missing out on. SO guess what??? i got the FREAKING job!!! im fucking DELIRIOUS!!! but i'm sad coz i can't share this happy news with BF, coz he aint here in SG he went to Thailand fer NS. I'm soo sad.. and yes i cried, hey you would too if ur significant other is gone fer not 1,2,3 days but 3 FUCKING weeks!!! What the hell am i supposed to do 3 freaking weeks without him here?? I keep replaying the "No Air" song on my mp3, phone&& PC sia.. coz NOW i totally know how it feels when Jordin sang the part when it says "But how do you expect me, to live alone with just me coz my world revolves around you, its so hard for me to breathe.." Damn if thats not how i feel right now. No contact ok?? 3 FREAKING weeks? haizzzzzzz... here's an advise to girls out there DO NOT DATE NS MEN!!!! and when i say this i mean DURING their 2 years of serving the nation. Well unless ur as patient as ehem.... ME! ehk seriouslah sey, when ur dating an NS men theres so lil time for you to spend time with each other.. especially if YOUR working also. Damn Irritating, but you know what they say *Time apart, makes the HEART fonder...* i guess thats true...

Aiite so apparently this post was supposed to be updated Thursday night but somehow, someway my post went missing, so i got fed-up and just shut down everything but i'm back now and i actually just came back from having breakfast with 2nd sis who blanjered us burger king. I had the breakfast king with turkey bacon. yummie yum! We ate at KakSha's workplace which means we take away the breakfast meal walked from the Tamp Int to KakSha's workplace && stayed until 2.30 pm fer KakSha to finish work, Coolness. So now i'm famished &&ready to BLOG. I Think i'm gonna do 2 seperate updates coz this one will be consist more on the NDP Pics.. so here goes...

In the bus

KakNa's friend who was the one who had the free tickets, Maisarah is the name.

Kakna was very into the whole celebrations. coz she was the one who blew fer us our "lollipop" baloon.
10 to 11 thousand people show up fer this. (if i'm not mistaken)

the sponsors up at the stage.

look at how BIG their smiles are..

ooh.. seems like that guy, wants a bite of Kakna's sandwich.

my all time favourite from LJS, Combo 1 please and the nachos cheese on the side.
we sat at the white section, hence us showing the white side of the "lollipop" balloon.

the product of us taking part in making the singapore flags with our "lollipop"balloon.

It rained on us, so KakNa was quick to take out the "Ponchor" that was provided inside the goody bag that they gave us.
I told u she was soo into the celebration.
Bestie is just being the typical drama-queen that she is.
The parachuters.
It looks fun.

The SG Flag!!

I love this!! It was sooo Beautiful!

It was like somwhow Allah knew we were celebrating our nation's berfday and blessed us with a rainbow after the rain.

nightfall and all we can do is anticipate the fireworks.

there it is!!!!

unfortunately by the time the fireworks came my camera battery went flat on me, i had other shots but all of them were blurred and ugly. So yah... My bad yall... oh &&in case yall were wondering this wasn't the NDP at Marina Bay. This was the picnic celebration at the padang that Young NTUC organised.. It was fun though, but this one BIG Malay Family sitting right behind us was damn kecoh and LOUD. Literally.. When i said BIG, i meant they were like more then 10 of them there... Their Nenek & Atok also came..

So aniwaes.. i think i shall stop here with this update. Wait fer it people.

urs truly,
♥ ct.riaH ♥

♥ So let them pull,Let them pull at the seams.Don't they know what it means,To be young and in love like that? Who are they to decide If it's wrong, if it's right? To be young and in love like that? ♥

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

That Lady ♥ ;

    Name: Siti Riah Rashid
    Age: 21 years of age.
    Location: Tampines/Wooloowin?
    Status: Blissfully SINGLE
    Price:I am worth,Nothing. I'm Priceless.


    *PureJavanese+ Chinese+Indian*
    An Aquarius
    Youngest In Da Family
    Addicted to ice-cubes,chocolates & esp. SWEETS
    sarcasm is my name
    Emotional Phreak
    Luvs Irritating Ppl, Esp. Mua Sisters
    Currently, OBSESSED with C.Brown.

    Cute Purse & Wallet
    New Hand Phone
    GREY Skinny jeans
    Streak my hair
    Rebond My Hair
    Perm my hair
    Nike Flip-Flops
    New Specs
    a New Watch
    More Clothes
    Graduate Frm ITE
    Get a Job

    The Way That I Love You - Ashanti

Thank you ♥

Past moments ♥

Perhaps ask me how i did this?