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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

♥ Things Happen for a reason right?

There were many times when ppl tell me to jut let it go, but did i listen? i stayed hoping things would get better. Never again would i let someone hurt me like that again, never will i give everything to someone. Never again wld i let someone betray me,never again will i let them break me and take control of how i live my life. Not only did you break my heart you humiliate me by saying all those things as if i dun worth anything. I was a fool... i was your fool for 5 years. I thank God because he still loves me, he lemme out of ur grasps sooner rather than later.

Retribution will come and when that day come we will see who has the last laugh, i was a good GF and damn it i would have made a DAMN GOOD WIFE. Too bad for u... U will never find out. You had me and now you have nothing. Go fuck around, you rather lose me for a 5 min pleasure with some random whore. its fine by me. i will be stronger and wiser.

All those things i bought for you, its okay you can keep it. I wont hold it againts you. because at that time i felt u deserve it. All those memories we had i'm gonna pretend that it was real and that you did love me but somehow along the way something changed. You changed. it wasnt my fault you changed, my love for you all those years never waivered.. So how come it did for you? No i dont hate you. i never did, in fact as i'm typing this i still love you. but i will not let anybody hurt me the way you did. Enough is Enough, i'm tired of fighting for this relationship all by myself.

I hope now you can live your life the way u want it, i hope one day this pain will go away and one day i will find someone that will cherish me the way i cherish him.
Maybe one day i will look back and thank my lucky stars for showing me the real u before we gotten married.I dont understand why it has to come down to this, but i believe that things happen for a reason.
You were right i dun deserve this, i deserve better.
Thank-You for everything.
Thank-You for pretending all this time.
never again.
♥ ct.riaH ♥
♥ Somewhere we went wrong, Our love is like a song, But you won't sing along,You've forgotten....About us.♥

Wow wrote this back in '09!! And tat was wat almost 4 years ago.. how times flies, how things changed. The person i once thought was the love of my life has moved on. Me? Im good, im at a good place right now. Its safe to say those wounds he left on me has healed. Although my life is not ever near finished and complete still unfolding. Im just glad things happened the way it is, life is a lesson to be learned and be a better person than you alrydy are. So im going to smile and move forward. =) *This time im going to be Bulletproof..*

♠ And she feel loved__++
0 commented

That Lady ♥ ;

    Name: Siti Riah Rashid
    Age: 21 years of age.
    Location: Tampines/Wooloowin?
    Status: Blissfully SINGLE
    Price:I am worth,Nothing. I'm Priceless.


    *PureJavanese+ Chinese+Indian*
    An Aquarius
    Youngest In Da Family
    Addicted to ice-cubes,chocolates & esp. SWEETS
    sarcasm is my name
    Emotional Phreak
    Luvs Irritating Ppl, Esp. Mua Sisters
    Currently, OBSESSED with C.Brown.

    Cute Purse & Wallet
    New Hand Phone
    GREY Skinny jeans
    Streak my hair
    Rebond My Hair
    Perm my hair
    Nike Flip-Flops
    New Specs
    a New Watch
    More Clothes
    Graduate Frm ITE
    Get a Job

    The Way That I Love You - Ashanti

Thank you ♥

Past moments ♥

Perhaps ask me how i did this?